Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of MILE.
You may reach us at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: MILE
CT State Community College - Middlesex
100 Training Hill Road
Middletown, CT 06457
Directions to MxCC
Set GPS to 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT. Follow directions provided.
From Route 9 North take new Exit 21 (old Exit 11), Randolph Road. Turn right onto Randolph at the traffic light at the end of the exit. Once on Randolph Road, go up the hill to the first light, Saybrook Road and turn left on Saybrook Road. Follow the directions below in the second paragraph
From the South take new Exit 21 (old Exit 11), Randolph Road. Turn right onto Randolph at the light at the end of the exit. Once on Randolph Road, go up the hill to the second light, Saybrook Road and turn left on Saybrook Road. Follow the directions below.
After turning on Saybrook Road take take second right, Reservoir Road. Take the second right, Training Hill Road. Turn left into the first MxCC driveway (with Chapman Hall on your right). Handicap parking spaces are clearly marked on the right as you enter. There use will require the appropriate State permit. Cars parked illegally will be towed. Regular parking is in the main lot on your left.
You may reach us at:
E-Mail: [email protected]
Mailing Address: MILE
CT State Community College - Middlesex
100 Training Hill Road
Middletown, CT 06457
Directions to MxCC
Set GPS to 100 Training Hill Road, Middletown, CT. Follow directions provided.
From Route 9 North take new Exit 21 (old Exit 11), Randolph Road. Turn right onto Randolph at the traffic light at the end of the exit. Once on Randolph Road, go up the hill to the first light, Saybrook Road and turn left on Saybrook Road. Follow the directions below in the second paragraph
From the South take new Exit 21 (old Exit 11), Randolph Road. Turn right onto Randolph at the light at the end of the exit. Once on Randolph Road, go up the hill to the second light, Saybrook Road and turn left on Saybrook Road. Follow the directions below.
After turning on Saybrook Road take take second right, Reservoir Road. Take the second right, Training Hill Road. Turn left into the first MxCC driveway (with Chapman Hall on your right). Handicap parking spaces are clearly marked on the right as you enter. There use will require the appropriate State permit. Cars parked illegally will be towed. Regular parking is in the main lot on your left.
Inclement Weather
We will follow MXCC decisions on closings or delays.
Remember that Wednesday classes are via Zoom so they are not cancelled for weather issues.
MILE will hold classes if the college is open. If we have an afternoon class and there is a delayed opening before the start of our presentation, we will have class. You can check on the MxCC website https://ctstate.edu/locations/middlesex.edu/ or you can call the Middletown Campus at 860-343-5719 if you do not see it reported on TV, radio, or the website.
As always, please check your email before the presentation. If the presenter cancels an email will be sent prior to the presentation.
Your safety is very important to us and to the College. Should inclement weather arise beyond what you are comfortable driving in, please err on the side of caution.
We will follow MXCC decisions on closings or delays.
Remember that Wednesday classes are via Zoom so they are not cancelled for weather issues.
MILE will hold classes if the college is open. If we have an afternoon class and there is a delayed opening before the start of our presentation, we will have class. You can check on the MxCC website https://ctstate.edu/locations/middlesex.edu/ or you can call the Middletown Campus at 860-343-5719 if you do not see it reported on TV, radio, or the website.
As always, please check your email before the presentation. If the presenter cancels an email will be sent prior to the presentation.
Your safety is very important to us and to the College. Should inclement weather arise beyond what you are comfortable driving in, please err on the side of caution.
MILE Mission Statement
Click the button below to see the MILE Mission Statement.
MILE By-Laws
Click on the button below to see the MILE By-Laws.
MILE Procedure Manual
Click the button below to see the MILE Procedure Manual.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~~ Mahatma Ghandi ~~
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